Modern Health Talk, which was founded 10 years ago, has become more political and progressive over time. It didn’t start that way. I created the website and started the blog in 2010 to share my unique perspectives as an IBM technologist, market strategist, futurist, and digital home consultant, with the idea of helping people find tech solutions that help them or their loved ones live independently at home, avoiding the higher cost of nursing home care.
I shared my optimistic outlook for a bright future of healthcare reform using technology but quickly learned that to fix our broken “sick care” system, we must fix our politics. And to fix our politics, we must fix campaign finance and the widening wealth gap that contributes to it. I learned about the hidden agendas of Republican politicians and the corporate interests they serve while realizing that Democratic policies more closely alined with my consumer advocacy and progressive views of the future.
On this 10th anniversary, I thank everyone who has followed mHealthTalk.com over the years, including those who influenced my perspective by contributing articles of their own or suggested others. Stay safe.