Aging and Brain Science
This article explores aging and brain science, with a look at advances in neural engineering research. It is based on my interview with Dr. Metin Akay, Founding Chairman of the new Biomedical Engineering Department and the…
This article explores aging and brain science, with a look at advances in neural engineering research. It is based on my interview with Dr. Metin Akay, Founding Chairman of the new Biomedical Engineering Department and the…
US Health Care is Obscenely Expensive. We spend more on health care but live sicker and die younger. Why? While we’ve published dozens of articles addressing that issue, and have accumulated thousands of statistics, today…
Want to add more and better years to your life? Now is the time. We’re living longer than ever: The average American born in 2013 will be alive nearly four years longer than someone born 20 years…