The Primary Care Crisis – Meaning and Depth
This is Part 1 of a Series on The Crisis in Primary Care by Stephen C Schimpff, MD The primary care physician (PCP) should be the backbone of the American healthcare system. But primary care is in crisis…
This is Part 1 of a Series on The Crisis in Primary Care by Stephen C Schimpff, MD The primary care physician (PCP) should be the backbone of the American healthcare system. But primary care is in crisis…
EDITOR: Opinions of Obamacare, and whether it’s a glass half empty or half full, depend largely on one’s political viewpoint and sources of your information. Opponents of the law, including many in the medical industrial complex with…
The FFS payment model was created long ago, during a time when physicians treated less-complex problems and offered only a few inexpensive therapeutic interventions. It worked back then but a significant percentage of patients today have…