A BusinessWeek Guide to Assistive Technology
“Jonathan Avila uses his iPad in ways most people might not realize are possible: The device reads e-mail to him while he’s traveling to work, tells him which way to walk when he is lost, and…
“Jonathan Avila uses his iPad in ways most people might not realize are possible: The device reads e-mail to him while he’s traveling to work, tells him which way to walk when he is lost, and…
To unlock the door of my wife’s 9-year-old Lexus, I can insert and turn the key OR just press a button on the wireless key fob, but I still need to get the key out of…
On June 24th, Google announced that it’s retiring its Electronic Medical Records (EMR) project, Google Health, with personal data available for download through 2012. Google created the service to give people access to their personal health…