The Best Smartphone Apps for Caregivers

WebMD MobileBy Glenn Randolph

Caregivers have a demanding job that can be downright overwhelming at times. These days, many caregivers are using modern mobile smartphone apps to do their jobs more effectively. Smartphone apps can be used for countless purposes, such as scheduling, looking up pertinent health information, identifying pills and so much more. What are the best smartphone apps for caregivers? Here are a few of the best to consider using.

This list should help you cut through the clutter of over 1.2 million different apps listed for iOS alone by July 2014. 240 of them were specific to medicine or health care.


WebMD has been a trusted online resource for many years, and now it’s available in mobile app form for Android devices and iPhones. Whether you need to identify a pill or symptom, or look up some basic tips on caring for a specific ailment, the WebMD app can help. Sometimes getting to a computer just isn’t possible, and having WebMD in your pocket allows you to make quick, informed decisions.

CarePartners Mobile

Plenty of caregivers don’t do the job alone. Often, caring for a loved one is a family affair or involves a team. After all, nobody can be expected to be active 24/7. For that reason CarePartners Mobile is an extremely useful app for Android and iPhone that ensures that necessary duties are taken care of properly. It gives all caregivers access to a to-do list that allows caregivers to claim tasks, receive reminders from their calendars, and coordinate plans. This ensures that important duties are done as needed, in a timely fashion.

Comfort Zone Check-In

Many caregivers look after people with various forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s. People with Alzheimer’s may wander off and get lost, so it’s important that there is a plan to find them if necessary. The Comfort Zone Check-In smartphone app for Android or iPhone allows caregivers to track where the missing person is located, as long as they have their tracking device with them. It also provides directions to their location and offers a good way to keep caregivers and their clients connected during a tough situation.

Balance: for Alzheimer’s Caregivers

By The National Alzheimer Center, Balance is an essential iPhone tool for caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients, enabling coordinated care among multiple caregivers, with the ability to track and share physical, behavioral and emotional changes with doctors and others, manage medications and appointments, and learn about the latest Alzheimer’s research and information.


CareZone is another app for Android or iPhone that makes day-to-day caregiving tasks easier. For starters, you can create a custom profile for each client, so you always have relevant information available at the touch of a button. A sharable journal allows you to keep loved ones updated with progress news, photos and more. The medication tracking feature is an extremely helpful feature that helps caregivers keep track of a patient’s medications, and sends a reminder when it’s time to give them. CareZone is a multipurpose tool that any caregiver would find useful.

MediSafe Meds & Pill Reminder

Sometimes good intentions just aren’t good enough. Human error still happens, which is why many caregivers use mobile apps to keep track of pill scheduling. MediSafe is available for Android and iPhone. It comes with powerful features, such as the ability to connect with a friend, family member or co-worker who can remind you if you don’t check in after giving medications. MediSafe also looks great, and it’s easy to use.


It’s one thing to know that the meds you’re on won’t interact with each other; it’s another to remember to take them on time. Pillbox by myCommunity lets the caregiver maintain separate medications lists and reminders for each family member, along with a list of physicians and their specialties.

Keep Your Patients Safe and Happy

It is critical that caregivers take some time to learn the ins and outs of these apps, as a simple error can have serious consequences. Smartphone apps can be a valuable tool, but they should never be the only one. Using a mobile app alongside other traditional methods and routine medical care is the best way to ensure successful and consistent long-term results. Sites like Baron Medical offer an array of medical supplies for the home, and the App Store and Google Play Store are filled with useful digital solutions. Find what works best for you.

About the Author

Glenn Randolph is a freelance writer and entrepreneur from Los Angeles, CA. He has written for a wealth of high-profile clients including the Livestrong Network, Demand Media, and Baron Medical. In his spare time, he enjoys physical fitness, surfing and snowboarding.

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    MEDCORDERMedcorder is an interesting and free app for iOS and Android that makes it easy to record and transcribe your doctor visit. Remember the conversation and detailed instructions more easily, and share with family caregivers — a win-win for you and your doctor. That itself is interesting, but I see even bigger opportunities for this company, and I will reach out to them about connecting the transcription to the Electronic Medical Records and making it easy to abstract or search as needed with a tool like IBM SYNTRAN. See my article, Disappointing Move to Electronic Health Records.

  2. As an app developer for App Development Texas, my suggestion is You’re not going to want to lug a tablet around all the time, and if you don’t have a device with you, you can’t use it. A smartphone can still be used to run apps, view videos, and browse the web — the display just is not as large. There are many unplanned times when you want to check email or browse the web when you’re mobile.

    EDITOR: Promotional URL removed, but name of company emphasized.

  3. Braden Bills says:

    *It makes sense that apps would be good for caregivers. That seems like a good way to ensure that they can get information easily. That way, they can ensure that they take good care of the people they are looking over.

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